Abortion in America


The ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has caused a great divide in our country this past year. Roe v. Wade guaranteed the constitutional right to abortion, this right has been established for over 50 years, since 1973. Although this right was passed some time ago Roe v. Wade had many implications, making it very difficult for women to actually receive access to abortion.

Abortions have been around way longer than the U.S. government. Common Law allowed the right to abortion, however in the late 1800s U.S. politicians began outlawing abortion making it illegal in all states by 1910. This caused great risks such as self-managing abortion. If women suffered great complications, they were hospitalized and possibly reported to the authorities. Many women have undergone great risks to exercise their right to choose abortion or life. Some women have lost their lives, due to unsafe abortion practices.

There are many reasons as to why an individual may choose to abort their unborn child. Being told what to do with your own body our temple, is a great injustice. Living in a country where our slogan is “The Land of the Free”, contradicts the laws and rights that are established for the people. Women deserve to be treated just as fairly as men. Living in a male dominated country and government weakens the gap of equality due to lack of empathy to women’s struggles.

Roe v. Wade came into effect and decriminalized abortions nationwide. Although women still faced discrimination, lack of resources, and so much more, it was at least a step in the direction of women’s rights. To gain that right, and lose it all over again 50 years later is mind boggling. With anti-abortion politicians apart of the Supreme Court panel, there was not much of a choice for Americans in this matter. According to Planned Parenthood (2022), 85% of Americans believed that abortion should be legal. Many people supported Roe before it was overturned, this was a sad day for many Americans.

The question is where do we go from here, with some states abortions are still legal, such as where I live in Michigan. However there are many different states, with different laws that deem abortion illegal. What happens to the young women who are raped, and forced to keep their baby. There are women that suffer from various conditions such as ectopic pregnancies that can put the mother at risk of life threatening injuries, or even death. Who will protect these women?

The ultimate goal is to continue to push legalization of abortion in every state, not just selected states. There are many factors as to why a woman may choose not to carry her child to full time. The insensitivity of this matter is heart breaking. It reflects how unequal our country is, and how we live in a male dominated society that chooses the fate of women. We have to continue to come together and rally for justice. I believe incorporating more support groups in every state, to give women knowledge about resources that may help aid in this life changing situation is crucial.

Support groups create community, and we must strengthen our community as men and women to ensure each American is treated fairly. I believe we must keep this topic alive, and keep pushing for this right to be reestablished. Until then we must aim to impact out communities providing information on this topic. Practicing safe sex, as well as protecting our young women from rape and abuse goes a long way. There are so many scenarios that bring women to make the choice to go through the abortion process. We as Americans should respect peoples personal choices regarding our bodies. I am absolutely pro choice and we must stick together to help create change, and offer as many resources as we can to women suffering from this awful decision of our government. Even though our government has failed us, we the people have an opportunity to stand up for our rights!

#protectwomensrights #prochoice



Abortion. (n.d.). Planned Parenthood Action Fund. https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/issues/abortion